(Nursery to Prep)The Pre-Primary School Programme at Leeds Asian School comprises Nursery, Lower KG and Upper KG.
- Every child is unique
- Every child has infinite potential
- Every child is born with an innate desire to learn
- Every child learns best through observation
- Every child learns and constructs her own knowledge in multiple ways

(Class I to V)The main objective at this stage is preparing the learner’s foundation and making them prepared to take on the responsibility of being an active participant in the learning process. The Primary School Program focuses on the child’s potential both inside and outside the classroom.
Middle School
(Class VI to VIII)The main objective of this stage is to help the children make experiences in life and the courses of the study.

Secondary School
(Class IX & X)The surroundings and daily life activities and situations are the best experiential teachers for the students. Teachers must make efforts to draw examples and group activities from daily life observations within the classroom/within the school and surroundings, and encourage presentations and reflection by the students once the activity is completed, to develop the skills of critical thinking and communication.
Senior Secondary
(Class XI & XII)As after Class XII, students leave the protected atmosphere of school and go into the world of independence as well as responsibility, the two years of senior secondary stage is a preparatory stage for the students to face life and take decisions.